Pricing & Estimate Calculator
Below you’ll find instructions, videos and guides to help use the Estimate and pricing calculator, and accompanying profitable pricing guide

How to Access the Calculator
Click the below button to access the login page to calculator. Page will look like image
- Login using the username & password you created when you registered for your own calculator.
- A copy of your login details would have been sent to your email when you registered (Check spam)
- Change Your Password: You can change your password by clicking on 'Forgot Password?' link on the calculator login page
Profitable Pricing Guide - IMPORTANT!
Click the below link to access the profitable pricing guide. Please read through before using calculator
- The Profitable Guide was created to be used alongside the Estimate and Pricing Calculator.
- This guide walks you through the process of creating your default timings, and creating an estimate (as well showing you how to increase your rates, profits and more!).

How to Use the Calculator to Create Estimates
- Please read the Profitable Pricing guide Before doing first estimate (see section above).
- Click on the 'Add Estimate' Button on the dashboard (see image).
- Complete the fields as required to add the estimate. The client information fields are optional. The calculated estimates will be displayed at the bottom of the estimate. We have also put together a short video which walks you through the process below.
- NOTE: This 'Add Estimate' video is currently being updated(Old Design in Video) - however this general overview video shows you how the process works.
How to Add or Edit Default Timings
- Adding your default timings makes creating estimates quick and easy
- To add your timings (& hourly rate) click 'Default Timings' button on the Dashboard(visible after you login to your calculator)
- Complete the fields with your average timings for each room / area, your hourly rate, and multiples for different types of cleaning.
- The profitable pricing guide provides detailed instructions to calculate & complete each of these areas.

How to View or Edit an Existing Estimate
- Estimates you have already created will be displayed in the "View Estimates" section, which you can access from the dashboard . (see below for Example of Page) Click the blue pencil button and Make any changes you wish you make, and then click update down the bottom. If you want to you save the edited version as a new estimate.
- From this page you can also Email the Estimate to yourself, or delete it if not required anymore.